Succulents are drought tollerant plants with fleshy leaves that are native to arrid climates. Their thick fleshy leaves are what make them so easy to care for as they store pleanty of water to hold them over for weeks.
Cacti are members of the succulent family as they also have fleshy leaves and store water. All cactus are succulents but not all succulents are catus. Cactus are native to the desert and therfore can handle more sun and less water than succulents and typically have spines or thorns. Tip: if you want your cactus to flower keeping it outside is your best bet.
The key to watering succulents is to wait until the soil is totally dry before watering. When in doubt it is always safer to wait. Typically watering your succulents twice a month is a good amount but adjust for cooler or hotter months. When you do water, make sure to water them deeply and allow excess water to drain. Remember that succulents store water in their leaves and if you give them too much water you will burst their cell walls and they will die.
The best kind of soil for succulents is one that drains well. It should be porous but not so much that it does not retain any moisture. A mixture of sand, Peat moss, and perlite is usaully a good combination. Good soil is key to healthy plants. You should always try to mimic a plants natural habitat and since these plants often grow in grity soil sometimes on hillsides in the crevices of rocks they prefer this type of soil.
Succulents thrive in indirect bright light or partial sun. Depeding on their size, variety and where they are planted this can vary. If the plant is larger and planted in the ground often times it can take more sun. Plants indoors in pots should be kept close to a window for optimum growth and color. There are varieties that do well in lower light such as Haworthias and Aloes. If you notice your plant stretching, it is more than likely not getting enough sun.
If you notice your succulent is growing rapidly, the shape is changing, and the color is getting dull it is more than likely not getting enough sun. This is refered to as streching and the easiest way to tell is that there will be more and more space in between leaves. Your plant is litterally reaching out to find the sun.
Yes! All succulents flower at different times of year. In my opinion the actual succulent plant is often more impressive than the flower but there are families that have rather stunning flowers such as members of the Echeveria and Crassula families.
The answer to this question is yes you can but the fait of your plants will be the same as that of cut flowers. Eventually they will not look as healthy as they once did and they will die BUT.... you can keep them under these conditions for months before they start to look bad. The secret is to not water them amost at all. This will slow the growth and the stretching.
Air plants like to be watered two to three times per week. Whem misting be sure to wet the entire plant as air plants take in water form their leaves not their roots. It is best to use perified water as salts and chemicals in tap water can be harsh and cause leaf damage. If you find your air plant is still dry even with regular watering you can soak the airplant in a bowl of water for a couple hours at a time (do not do this with Xerographica, Streptophyla or Bulbosa). When watering air plants be sure to place them in a place that is well ventilated. They should be dry with in 3-4 hours of watering. If they are wet for too long this can rot the core.
Watering your airplant with fertilizer in the growing seasons will produce a more robust plant that gives more offsets (babies). Fertilize every other week with a Bromeliad fetilizer at 1/4 strength.
Air plants can be kept outside but not in the full sun all day. Filtered sun is best or some morning sun or late evening sun. Make sure to keep air plants protected if they are in temperatures under 50 degrees farenheit or over 90 degrees farenheit.
If you are growing your air plants inside it is ideal to keep them somewhat near a window but not in direct sun. Keep in mind that often times air inside can be more dry due to controlled heat and air and you may have to water more often.
Yes, all air plants flower and after they flower they often have pups (baby air plants). you willsee them start to grow at the base of the air plant.
Air plants do not need soil as they absorb water and nutrients through their leaves. This lends them to so many artistic and creative projects becasue you can use them virtually on anything.
The best house plants for low light are Sanseveria (Snake Plant), ZZ plant, and Calathia.
"All plants improve the air quality indoors but some of the top air purifiers include: Sanseveria Peace Lilly Dracaena Pothos Aloe Rubber Tree Chinese Evergreen Ivy"
Watering for house plants varies depending on the variety. Generally speaking house plants like being watered about once a week but it is important to familiarize yourself with the needs of each variety.
This could be a sign of overwatering. This happens most commonly when the plant goes into dormancy in the winter months. You may need to decrease the watering to every other week to avoid root rot.
Your house plant is most likely getting too much direct sun. Move your plant to another sport where the sun does not hit it directly. This could also be a sign that you are allowing the soil to become too dry.
This could be caused by a few different reason. The most common reason is that the palnt needs to be repotted. If the roots are cramped the palnt becomes root bound and growth can be stunted. Other common reasons are not enough water in the summer or too much water in the winter. Both can stunt the plants growth. Adjust your watering accordingly.
Shedding is a natural part of the growing process but if you feel you plant is shedding more than usual it can be caused by a change in temperature. If you are concerned, move the plant to a more stable environment.
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